
Concept Art


Make your project stand out with beautiful Concept Art — get access to world-class visuals that will help build an engaging storytelling experience.

All great productions start with a strong concept. MYSTICMANTRA understands this principal well, having directed and created a range of successful concept artworks for various key productions.Our unique and experienced concept artists work with you to derive and explore the characteristics of your project, utilizing your project's unique characteristics and translating them into dynamic concepts and visual solutions.

Our Creative Process:


  • Story plot, theme based analysis.
  • Setting, theme and time setting of the project.
  • Special elements authors/ directors want instituted.
  • Establish final output method(s), how the images and characters will be used in final production.


  • Rough character design, facial expressions, costume.
  • Initial rough environmental concepts depicting setting, tone, mood and ambiance.
  • Weapons/tools and structural concepts for you to choose from.
  • A write up proposal on new ideas that have spawned, now that we have been submerged in the visual development.


  • Defined character designs
  • Defined environments
  • Defined weapons/tools and structural elements
  • 3d mock-ups and initial assessment
  • Refined character designs
  • Refined weapons, tools and structures
  • Refined environment
  • 3d realizations


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